Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Double Digits

10 months old

Where has the time gone? Nathan at 10 months can be summed up like this:
* Loves, Loves, Loves bath time!
* Pulls himself up and walks around everything
* Loves to climb the stairs!!!! He is learning to go down backwards and is doing quite well. He is a little timid going down, which is surprising because this kid literally has NO FEAR when it comes to trying anything else.
* Likes to clap and wave
* Just learned to spit his tongue out on cue tonight when I was expressing that the bath water was icky to drink. He smiled and spit his tongue out right back at me.
* He is our clown and is a total goof ball
* Loves to play with Matthew and wrestle with him
* He is learning to be a slightly picky eater!!!

1 comment:

Marcus, Stephanie,Jaelyn & Benjamin said...

I'm sure he'll love the butt shot when he's a teenager!