Sunday, June 29, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Our very curious, determined, and smiley little Nathan!

O.k., so my good friend Mary tagged me, which means I have to take a break from writing about my kids and instead write about myself. I usually despise these little things, but I thought I would join in on the fun and maybe you will learn something about me that you didn't know before! Enjoy!

The Rules:

1. Link the person(s) who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

1. I can be a little bit of a clean/neat freak. Not necessarily the deep cleaning, but at the end of the day everything has to go back in its spot and wiped up.
2. My second toe is longer than the big toe and I hate it! Thanks dad! It's also crooked from all the ballet dancing I did growing up. Now when you see me, don't start starring at it.
3. My kids have to be bathed every night. I can't stand putting my kids to bed if they aren't sqeaky clean.
4. The boys have been napping around 1:00p.m. and if they both stay asleep, sometimes I watch Days of Our Lives while eating lunch or checking email. I know it's silly but what else is on?
5. I wish that I could sing ( I can't at all) or dance like the people on "So You Think You Can Dance"
6. I am terrible at getting stains out of clothing, but I have discovered Oxi Clean (I know, I am a little late on that) and Krud Cutter.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bubble Bath Fun!

Just thought I would share a few pics of Matthew and Nathan playing with bubbles in the tub. They sure had a great time! This was our first practice round of taking pictures of the kids in the tub to put in their bathroom. I think we need a lot more bubbles, don't you?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nathan is 7 Months!

Nathan is 7 months old today and he sure enjoyed his first spaghetti dinner. Some of his current Nathanisms are:

* Still loves to play the spitting game, except now he loves to play it while he eats! This makes for a great big mess!
* Army crawls, but is just about to crawl on his hands and knees. He practices rocking back and forth.
* Pretty much sleeping through the night! Usually gets up between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. to eat and then goes back to bed until 7:30 or 8:00. Just can't quite make it all the way, but we have made great progress!
* Would rather immerse himself completely in the bath tub on his back while he kicks and splashes, rather than sit up. He smiles and giggles as he takes in water. We could never turn our back from him while in the tub because he would be under water! Crazy baby!
* He enjoys eating just about anything I give him. He wants to try everything! His favorites are bananas or anything with banana in it, peas, sweet potatoes, crackers, and Yo-Baby yogurt.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Family Hike

We decided to hike Saddlerock Rim as a family tonight and we had a great time! It can be a rigorous hike in some parts, but overall Adam and I made it to the top with both kids on our backs. I have done this hike now several times with a group of my girlfriends, but this was the first time Adam and the boys came with me. It was a much different experience with an extra almost 20 pounds on my back! Ugh! I think you can tell by the look on my face that I was a bit exhausted, but it felt great. The view of Wenatchee and East Wenatchee is amazing!

Matthew still loves his binoculars that we got on our trip to Jackson Hole and was adamant that he bring them on our hike. He was such a trooper since he walked all the way back down with wet shorts. I decided to get rid of pull-ups and he is now wearing "big boy" underwear during the day as of today. I will keep you updated on how all that goes. Today was o.k. He was excited about it, but he did have his fair share of accidents! More to come tomorrow as Nathan turns 7 months!