Thursday, May 29, 2008

Almost Crawling!

At 6 1/2 months old, Nathan is pretty much crawling!!! In just the last couple of days he army crawls across the room if he sees something worth playing with and he practices rocking back and forth on his hands and knees. Time to purchase a gate for the stairs and baby proof the house. I thought I had a couple more months!

Nathan had spotted Matthew's garbage truck across the room while Matt was watching a movie :) He made it just in time to play with it for a few minutes before Matthew caught him. We now have to work on sharing Matthew's toys with Nathan. I think Matthew is stunned by Nathan's new attempts in getting around. He is not sure what to think since he is trying to play with all of Matt's Big Boy toys!
I wanted to share a little story that shows what a gentle soul Matthew has. The other day we found a dropped bird egg on our deck (Matt thought it was an ice cream cone:) so we went out there to take a look at it. Adam and I tried to explain what happened to the little bird (still a yoke) inside, but it is obviously a difficult concept for little ones to understand. The next thing we knew as we were making pancakes, Matthew went and found an old Easter egg and stood in the doorway asking the little birdie to come inside his new home. He said, "birdie! I have a new home for you! Please come little birdie! Your home is broken so I have a new one for you. Mom, why won't the bird come to his new home? He isn't coming....he must REALLY be sleeping."
This is one of those stories you never want to forget.

Friday, May 16, 2008


The boys are hangin' out together as they get ready for bed on the last night before daddy gets home from his week in San Fran. It has been a great but exhausting week with Adam gone. We are looking forward to his arrival tomorrow!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I had a wonderful 3rd Mother's Day today. It all started with a little sleeping in and then I woke up to Matthew saying "Happy Mother's Day mom - I have a card for you!" Nathan greeted me with a smile and a little giggle. His gift to me was sleeping through the night! Yeah! What a son! We went out to brunch with two other families at Mountain Springs Lodge in Plain which was wonderful. The dads then took the kids while us ladies went shopping in Leavenworth. We weren't on any schedule so it was wonderful.

Don't you just love Matthew's "smile"? This is a typical expression when we are celebrating someone else's special day.

See the lovely tulips behind us? Matthew being the loving son he is, decided to pick me one before the picture. What else could a mom do, but where it in her hair.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Nathan's 6 Months Old!

Nathan is 6 months old today! Where has all the time gone? He has really changed a lot since November 10th and it is fun to see his personality come out. He is a very happy laid back baby. He smiles all day long and really doesn't cry unless he is uncomfortable. Major 6 month milestones or fun facts about Nathan are: *sitting up *still loves to play on his stomach *can spin around really fast on his tummy *eating rice cereal twice a day-soon other baby foods *loves to spit or blow bubbles *giggles *still not sleeping through the night *loves to snuggle *plays with his toes all the time (forget socks) *grabs everything in sight *has two bottom teeth.

We love you Nathan and can't wait to see what you will do and who you will become in the next 6 months!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Jackson Hole

We had such a wonderful time in Jackson, Wyoming where we stayed at my parents condo which is located right in front of the Tetons. They have gorgeous views looking all around Grand Teton National Park. We felt very priviledged to stay in such an amazing place. Thanks mom and dad!

Nathan was enjoying his vacation eventhough he had diarhea, a stuffy nose, and a double ear infection (AGAIN!). Yes, our little guy got sick the morning we left for our trip and we had to take him into pediatrics in Jackson half way through our trip to discover he had more ear infections. He was still all smiles and seemed to be having a wonderful time. He was such an excellent traveler.
Matthew was enjoying his time while mommy shopped as he disappeared into the dressing room to try on this handsome Coon skin cap. He was having a great time! What a goof ball!

If you look closely at Matt's head he had a couple of bad falls. The first was when he somehow did a back flip out of our booth when we were enjoying our dinner at Sidewinders in Jackson. The second was when he flew off the end of the couch and hit his head on the corner of the brick floor of the fireplace. I think he kind of liked showing off his war wounds.

While Matthew and I were playing "Hot Lava" in the lawn, I thought Adam and Nathan were barbequing our dinner. Little did I know, Adam was giving Nathan his first smoke. I saw the proof when I uploaded the pictures. Nathan sure seems to be enjoying himself doesn't he?

Matthew was hammin' it up for little brother once again! Nathan just thinks he is the most wonderful person on earth.

The amazing view of the Tetons from our condo. We had great weather the first couple of days which melted a lot of the snow that was still around this late in the year. The rest of the trip was sunny but cold.

Matthew was so excited to fish for the first time. We got him a little Spiderman rod which he loved. That was all he wanted to do for the rest of the trip.

I know what you are thinking....Matthew caught his first fish and it's huge!!!

Since the first couple of days were so nice we decided to take the boys for a bike ride by pulling them behind Adam's bike. Nathan didn't make it too far since he started crying right after this picture was taken. He and I ended up walking, but Adam and Matthew biked 8 miles round trip into Jenny Lake. I think both boys were a little exhausted since Adam was huffin' and puffin' and Matthew was sacked out when they returned. :)

Our first day out we really could have packed up and gone home! Within a couple miles from the condo we saw a mamma Grizzley bear with her 3 two year old cubs. It was amazing! They were about 50 yards from the road and there were local photographers and other vactioners by the dozens pulled over to get a closer look. As you can see in the picture, Matthew had his brand new binoculars ready at hand to use in case he saw something. His famous line for the trip was "guys, I think I see something!!" He was really into scouting out animals. Later that day we also saw a heard of Moose which you never see, elk, buffalo, and deer. The next morning Adam and Matthew spotted a porcupine in a tree! Crazy! Nathan and I missed it since we were still sleeping because we were up all night trying to cope with ear infections. :(
All in all, we had a great time. We went out to eat a lot, Matthew got brand new ski equipment for dirt cheap since he will be taking ski lessons next year at the age of 3, and we saw the Grizzley bears again feeding on fish when we took a drive 30 miles north.