Sunday, June 29, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Our very curious, determined, and smiley little Nathan!

O.k., so my good friend Mary tagged me, which means I have to take a break from writing about my kids and instead write about myself. I usually despise these little things, but I thought I would join in on the fun and maybe you will learn something about me that you didn't know before! Enjoy!

The Rules:

1. Link the person(s) who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

1. I can be a little bit of a clean/neat freak. Not necessarily the deep cleaning, but at the end of the day everything has to go back in its spot and wiped up.
2. My second toe is longer than the big toe and I hate it! Thanks dad! It's also crooked from all the ballet dancing I did growing up. Now when you see me, don't start starring at it.
3. My kids have to be bathed every night. I can't stand putting my kids to bed if they aren't sqeaky clean.
4. The boys have been napping around 1:00p.m. and if they both stay asleep, sometimes I watch Days of Our Lives while eating lunch or checking email. I know it's silly but what else is on?
5. I wish that I could sing ( I can't at all) or dance like the people on "So You Think You Can Dance"
6. I am terrible at getting stains out of clothing, but I have discovered Oxi Clean (I know, I am a little late on that) and Krud Cutter.

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