Monday, July 7, 2008

Almost 8 months!

I thought I would do an 8th month update a little early since it isn't technically until the 10th, but we will be in Disneyland!!

Some of Nathan's latest endeavors are: pulling himself up on just about anything he can get his hands on, taking a couple of steps around the table (very wobbly), still smiling all day long, playing giggle games with his brother, still army crawling (very fast these days), reaching to be picked up, loves playing with balls, and loves chasing Matthew with daddy.

Taking a quick break from playing to see what Matthew's Veggie Tales movie is all about.


ReserFamily said...

Wow! You guys are going to disneyland?? Let me know how that goes, I really want to take our kids,and clint has never been.

How did the boys love the water? We miss you guys!


JMA said...

Wow! I can't believe Nathan is 8 months! What a cutie pie! Hope Disneyland was a blast! Love, JMA