Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nathan is 7 Months!

Nathan is 7 months old today and he sure enjoyed his first spaghetti dinner. Some of his current Nathanisms are:

* Still loves to play the spitting game, except now he loves to play it while he eats! This makes for a great big mess!
* Army crawls, but is just about to crawl on his hands and knees. He practices rocking back and forth.
* Pretty much sleeping through the night! Usually gets up between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. to eat and then goes back to bed until 7:30 or 8:00. Just can't quite make it all the way, but we have made great progress!
* Would rather immerse himself completely in the bath tub on his back while he kicks and splashes, rather than sit up. He smiles and giggles as he takes in water. We could never turn our back from him while in the tub because he would be under water! Crazy baby!
* He enjoys eating just about anything I give him. He wants to try everything! His favorites are bananas or anything with banana in it, peas, sweet potatoes, crackers, and Yo-Baby yogurt.


Katie J said...

Do you have a secret receipe to make 2 1/2 year olds eat as well as Nathan?

Marcus, Stephanie,Jaelyn & Benjamin said...

wow...7 months already?!? what a cutie! I love the spaghetti filled smile! We NEED to get together soon! We miss you guys!