Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seeds Christmas Program

Matthew had his first Christmas program for his preschool, Seeds. They had been practicing their 5 songs they sang for weeks and they did a wonderful job. Matthew had a lot of fun singing with his buddy, Koren eventhough the night started out a bit rough. For those of you who know Matthew, he is still a little uncomfortable with new situations, so I was so proud of him when he made it to the front of the room (with a little help from dad) all by himself. There he was standing up with all the kids and as the room fell silent to begin the program, Matthew's lips turned to a frown and the tears started to flow as he yelled, "I want my daddy!" Being the loving mom that I am, I continued to zoom in on the video camera to capture the moment, and Adam stood frozen thinking, "what do we do." I handed Adam the camera and went up to comfort him and he snapped out of it pretty quickly. I just had to sit right next to him on the floor! Good job Buddy! We can't wait for the next one! (Thanks to my friend Mary, Koren's mommy, for the pictures.)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pudding Fun!

Nathan loves using a spoon! I think all of those soft foods he wasn't liking are some of his favorites these days (including pudding)! It gives him a chance to get messy and practice eating like a big boy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Festival of Trees

Adam and I attended one of Wenatchee's biggest events last night, "The Festival of Trees." It is a formal dinner/auction to raise money for the Performing Arts Center. I and a couple of my friends designed a Christmas tree to be autioned off at the event. Ivy and Cathy had designed a tree before and asked me to be a part of their team this year. I was honored to help and take part in this event. We put a lot of hard work into our tree over the past few months and we were happy to say that we were very pleased with how it turned out. We designed a children's themed tree which came with many toys and gift certificates. All in all, we were extremly successful selling our tree for $2900 and winning the holiday spirit award along with the People's Choice Award!!! We were so excited! The pictures really don't do justice to our tree, but at least you get the idea.

Pauline and Patrick are two of our great friends who joined us at the event. They own Belly to Baby in downtown Wenatchee and donated many items to this event.

Ivy and I standing in front of our tree.

Had to show off my curls! I thought they were fun! Pauline and I made an afternoon of it and got our hair done.

Our tree being filmed for the slideshow that took place during the auction.

Sorry, the picture is a bit fuzzy!

Our "Holiday Spirit Award"!

The boys standing in front of our tree. There were about 14 trees altogether.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Happy 1st Birthday Nathan!
November 10, 2007
We love you Buddy!

The 1st year can be exhausting, huh buddy? You have learned and grown so much. It has been a joy having you in our life and we can't imagine life without you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It all started with a mini train ride down at the park, a little trick-or-treating at one of the local churches where they had a trunk-or-treat in their parking lot, and the night ended with an adult Halloween party through Adam's work.
Nathan sure loved his Nemo costume

The ultimate Miss Piggy! This is one of our good friend's daughters (Teagan) who is 2 months older than Nathan. Isn't she just too cute?

The Gang!

Ready to fill the buckets! Nathan enjoyed watching everyone else. He didn't care too much about the candy. We just filled his bag for mom and dad. Notice he isn't in charge of his bag. Daddy is!

Buzz Lightyear taking a break from the infamous goggles.

Little break for free hotdogs! Nathan usually doesn't eat these, but I am thinking he liked dancing while he ate since there was a band playing in the background.

Honey Bee and Petunia! I guess that is what we were referred to. Last minute costumes for our last minute babysitter find. (My mom and I made Petunia's head piece-with a little advice from my dad)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Girl Talk

So, Matthew and I were driving to school today while having our usual conversations about whatever when out of the blue he said, "Mom? Riley said I was cute." Now Riley is a girl in his class whom I've never seen nor met. I got a little smile on my face as I was driving and thought oh, here we go. I said, "what did you say to Riley when she said that to you?" Matt said, "oh, I said thank you!" I told him good job! Then I asked him if he thought Riley was cute and he said, "no mom, she is a girl!" I said, "good job buddy (I was kind of proud that he said that), but then I said, "well girls can be cute." Matthew responded by saying, "no mom, girls cannot be cute - girls are SWEET!" A few minutes later, Matthew spoke up once again and said, "please don't tell my teachers that I said girls are sweet!"

Just one of those stories and moments you never want to forget
Halloween pictures are still to come as my computer issues are still being resolved.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Preview

Here is a little preview of what's to come this Friday night, October 31st! We went to a Halloween party over the weekend where Matthew had a great time making ghost suckers, hitting the Pinata and getting the candy, playing with the other kids, and eating lots of yummy snacks. Needless to say, we have not been able to take the Buzz costume off since then. Only for quick brakes to cool off since it is not very breatheable.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Boys

A Day with Dad
This is what happens when mom leaves the boys behind for a day of shopping in Seattle! It looks like they got along just fine going on a little hike, having fun at Octoberfest in Leavenworth, going out to lunch, and checking out the pumpkins at Smallwoods.